Too soon to get into the Christmas spirit, you say? Ha! we say. Never too soon to start tickling your funny bone. It’s a good time to get a jump on your Christmas shopping, and what could be easier than clicking your way to a few Off White Christmas CDs to stuff those stockings and grace those outgoing packages.
Last year was the debut of this collection of all-new Christmas songs, and we want everyone to help us get the word out nationwide about the songs, the videos, the website, the whole Off White Christmas experience. “Credit Card Christmas,” our lead-off single, won a national award in a holiday songwriting contest. The song got into the Top Five, out of more than 1,500 entries worldwide! And not only that, but the “Credit Card Christmas” video on YouTube is already over 6,000 hits and counting.
More videos are on the way, and you’ll be hearing some cuts from Off White Christmas on various internet radio stations around the globe.
So here’s to kicking off a great 2012 Christmas season, and we hope you’ll choose Off White Christmas as part of your soundtrack.