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It was one early day in December, a day I remember so well
A solid half hour of screaming that ended with ‘you go to hell’
My little brother was crying as Papa packed up his things
But inside I couldn’t stop smiling for I knew what this would mean
Two Christmases, two Christmases
The worst day for my mother became the best day for me
Now there’s two stacks of presents under dos Christmas trees
My father rented a condo with a hot tub and swimming pool
My mother was quietly fuming – how could my dad be so cruel
All of the while the boxes piled up at both of our homes
My parents competing will double my new G.I. Joes
Two Christmases, two Christmases
The worst day for my mother became the best day for me
Now there’s two stacks of presents under dos Christmas trees
We’ll open at Mom’s Christmas morning and Dad’s later on that same day
My grandma will stop by with more ‘cause kids shouldn’t suffer that way
So here’s to my broken family, and here’s to joint custody
Here’s to dos Christmases, next year I’m trying for three
Two Christmases, two Christmases
The worst day for my mother became the best day for me
Now there’s two stacks of presents under dos Christmas trees
Now there’s two stacks of presents under dos Christmas trees