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Christmas is a magic time of year / Because it makes my paycheck disappear
Everybody’s full of cheer and hope / Has anybody seen my bag of dope
The time of year for family and friends / I can’t believe it’s Christmas time again
Look at all the snowflakes falling down / There’s not one set of tire chains in town
I love the way it glistens in the trees / Shoveling snow is tearing up my knees
I’ve got these stupid cards I need to send / I can’t believe it’s Christmas time again
I know you like to watch the big parade
You always eat that fruitcake that I made
Let me put a twinkle in your eye
Some people from the church are stopping by
We’re the first ones on the block to hang the lights / Call 911 – I think I’ve got frostbite
Let’s go to the woods and cut a tree / I’d rather stay at home and watch TV
I wish the holidays would never end / I can’t believe it’s Christmas time again
I think I’m finally going ‘round the bend / I can’t believe it’s Christmas time again
I can’t believe it’s Christmas time again
I can’t believe it’s Christmas time again