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Snow and ice are clogging up the city streets
I’ve got four bald tires and my engine’s leaking anti-freeze
I should be sad, but that’s ok
Wasn’t going Christmas shoppin’ anyway
You can make my Christmas wish come true
Sha La La La don’t come home this Christmas
Oh Oh Oh I’d rather be alone
In your poofy coat and stupid hat
I just can’t have none of that so
Sha la la la don’t come home this Christmas
You make too much noise, and your breath smells of day old nog
Eat up all my food and leave nothing but your Yule log
Why must you make be part of your holiday bash
And return all my gifts for a wad of cash
Only one thing I want from you this year
Sha La La La don’t come home this Christmas
Oh Oh Oh I’d rather be alone
In your poofy coat and stupid hat
I just can’t have none of that so
Sha la la la don’t come home this Christmas
A time for sharing joy and cheer. If you’ll just stay away this year
Sha La La La don’t come home this Christmas
Oh Oh Oh I’d rather be alone
In your poofy coat and stupid hat
I just can’t have none of that so
Sha la la la don’t come home this Christmas