Stuff Their Stocking With Laughs

We’re in the home stretch of Christmas, and we’d like to think Off White Christmas would be the perfect stocking stuffer. Click on the “Buy” page to order the beautiful CD from CDBaby and get it in just a few days, or you can download individual songs (including our sexy new single “Dos Christmas Ez”) from iTunes or
If you’d like an autographed copy, we can make that happen! Send us a message and we’ll hook you up. Merry Christmas!

Brand New Song for 2013!

Just in time for the silly season, here’s Chip’s new composition, Dos Christmas Ez. This is the link to CDBaby where you can download this sweet slice of Latin-flavored goodness, or go over to iTunes and have it your way. Soon available at, Spotify, Pandora, and all the usual suspects. ¡Feliz Navidad!

Dos Christmas Ez

First Ever Xmas Xtravagonzo Live in Missoula!

Hey, Jake – we’re gettin’ the band back together…

That’s right, Christmas freaks! The original Off White Christmas band will be headlining the Xmas Xtravagonzo Holiday Show at Missoula’s Top Hat Lounge. It’s brought to you by our fine sponsors, Kent Brothers Automotive and Kettle House Brewing. We’ll be playing all the songs from your favorite Christmas CD, along with some choice rock ‘n roll holiday favorites. Baby & Bukowski will get things rocking at 10:00, and we have lots of surprises and giveaways lined up. Look for Xmas Xtravagonzo on the Facebook for more details.


New Video for 2012: Santa’s Got a Sharkskin Suit

“Cousin” Bob Sularz, Bob Wire, and Rick Waldorf show off their posing skills. Photo: Speaker Wire

The newest – and some say funniest – featuring a song from the CD is now up at the YouTube. Chip sings and mugs his heart out on “Santa’s Got a Sharkskin Suit.”

The song features the boogie piano stylings of Mr. Russ Parsons, whose daughter Leila just made it into the finals of Missoula’s First Night Teen Star. She’s got a beautiful singing voice. Talk about a talented family! Russ is a little camera shy, though, as you can tell from the video. Either that, or he really REALLY likes floppy leather hats.

The star of the video is Todd Kaye, a friend who’s a real beard Santa right here in Missoula. You can book Santa for your own parties and videos.
The band footage was shot by our friend Jonathan, who may or may not want his last name associated with the project. The guy has his reputation to consider. We used a couple of little Flip cams in an undisclosed location near downtown Missoula.
This guerrilla filmmaking at its finest.

Bob and Chip LIVE on Trail 103.3 this Friday!

High noon on Friday, November 30, 2012. If you miss it, you can listen to the Trail’s podcast, available at their website. They’ll be playing a couple of cuts from Off White Christmas, and Bob will play one of the Christmas songs live in the studio. Hope you can join us! Listen live online too. Hosted by the vivacious and wonderful Tracy Lopez.

New Video for “Sha La La La…” Is Up!

Our friends over at Gravity Productions have produced a beautifully shot, highly entertaining video of our band performing “Sha La La La (Don’t Come Home This Christmas).” Scroll down the sidebar below to check it out.

It was filmed at Missoula’s Kettlehouse North, and features a cameo from the K-Hole’s own JR Roof. John Sporman guests on bass guitar, and “Cousin” Bob Sularz, the drummer for Off White Christmas, is smacking the skins. Check out his awesome Christmas lid.

We have more videos in the works, so keep checking back to the site here to see what’s new. Remember, the season’s funniest stocking stuffer is only a couple of clicks away….

First Public Performance EVER!

Chip and Bob will be playing selected songs – and a few other Christmas favorites – from Off White Christmas on Friday, November 16, 2012 at Hastings in Coeur d’Alene!

Join us for our second annual CD RELEASE PARTY! We’ll be screening our music videos, sharing stories about Christmas, and spanking people with candy canes. Okay, that last part has been prohibited by the Hastings corporation, but we’ll still have a ton of fun.

Stop by anytime after 6:00 at Hastings Hardback Cafe, 101 E. Best Ave., Coeur d’Alene.

CD Release Party in Coeur d’Alene!

Goofy Christmas poses

Live! In Person! Relatively sober!

Finally, we’re bring some Off White Christmas spirit to north Idaho, home of Chip Whitson, the good-looking half the Off White Christmas brain trust.

Join us for some live music, cool prizes, and general goofy Christmas mayhem at 6:00 on Friday, November 16 at Hastings in Cd’A. Come meet the knuckleheads behind the coolest rock and roll Christmas album since Elvis put on a Santa suit!

Click here for more details. Now git!

“Last Minute Shopping” In the Netherlands

Our song “Last Minute Shopper” has just been added to the playlist of Christmas Radio Songs in the Netherlands. Our march toward world domination takes another big step! In a wooden shoe! Check out this great internet station when you’re ready to get into the Christmas mood.

Gearing Up for 2012

Too soon to get into the Christmas spirit, you say? Ha! we say. Never too soon to start tickling your funny bone. It’s a good time to get a jump on your Christmas shopping, and what could be easier than clicking your way to a few Off White Christmas CDs to stuff those stockings and grace those outgoing packages.
Last year was the debut of this collection of all-new Christmas songs, and we want everyone to help us get the word out nationwide about the songs, the videos, the website, the whole Off White Christmas experience. “Credit Card Christmas,” our lead-off single, won a national award in a holiday songwriting contest. The song got into the Top Five, out of more than 1,500 entries worldwide! And not only that, but the “Credit Card Christmas” video on YouTube is already over 6,000 hits and counting.
More videos are on the way, and you’ll be hearing some cuts from Off White Christmas on various internet radio stations around the globe.
So here’s to kicking off a great 2012 Christmas season, and we hope you’ll choose Off White Christmas as part of your soundtrack.